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Why Holymatha Polytechnic College?

Holymatha Polytechnic College-HPC was set up In . It is endorsed by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) and partnered by AICTE. The grounds of the Holymatha Polytechnic College-HPC is situated in Ernakulam, Kerala. The Institute can be come to either by rail or by street. The strategic the Holymatha Polytechnic College-HPC is to add to country and society at the most elevated worldwide degrees of greatness and to remain on a similar framework with different colleges of prominence. 

Holymatha Polytechnic College-HPC has the best foundation. Recently assemble structures, classes, labs, sports mind boggling, engineered athletic ground, tennis court. The University has brilliant inn office, rooms, grounds Wi-Fi office and inn Wi-Fi office. It is significantly superior to other private organizations. Holymatha Polytechnic College-HPC will resemble paradise for the understudies.