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Why Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College IGNOU?

Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College is a head instructive establishment of Delhi University which intends to sustain greatness in training. It stresses on encouraging the nature of HR and advancing beneficial thoughts that advantage the understudies. Since its commencement, the College as concentrated on character building and vision roused by Sanatani values. The College holds onto Inclusivity and Equitability as its establishing standards. Advancement of ladies' training and guaranteeing a hindrance free, nondiscriminatory, and steady biological system for all individuals from the College are, in this manner, a need at ARSD College. 

The College is concerned principally with making an establishment in line with contemporary requests and empowering the all encompassing advancement of every one of its partners. School's exponential development in the course of recent years, its accentuation on undergrad examine, pioneering activities, expertise improvement, solid industry-establishment linkages, and ICT-empowered learning situations, are outfitted towards the help of practical and independent frameworks just as foundations. The witticism of the College, Tejasvi-naavadhitam-astu, has been taken from Taittriya Upanishad and signifies, "May our learning be enriched with brilliance". The College invests heavily in its past accomplishments and looks to the future with extraordinary expectation and assurance. 

Old benefactors like Shri Lala Devi Ditta Shah Talwar, Shri Goswami Ganesh Dutt Ji Maharaj, Shri Mela Ram Jaggi, Shri Ganga Ram Gujral and numerous different altruists held hands and started to raise assets towards understanding their fantasy of locally restoring their proficiently run establishment. In case of a huge inundation of Bangladeshi exiles in 1971, the understudies and educators of this College were in the vanguard of help activities at spots like the Chakrabhata camp in Bilaspur (at that point Madhya Pradesh) and Bangaon camp in West Bengal, with four understudies really having invested energy with Muktivahini contenders in the then East Pakistan and one understudy having visited Dhaka the a seemingly endless amount of time after year.